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You can change the pitch of performances, inclusive of, or independent from, formants. Robotize mode can augment or diminish the melody.
In MainStage, rotate the Pitch knob to transpose the pitch of the signal upward or downward. Adjustments are made in semitone steps. Incoming pitches are indicated by a vertical line below the Pitch Base field.
Transpositions of a fifth upward (Pitch = +7), a fourth downward (Pitch = −5), or by an octave (Pitch = ±12) are the most useful harmonically.
As you alter the Pitch parameter, you might notice that the formants don’t change.
The Pitch parameter is expressly used to change the pitch of a voice, not its character. If you set negative Pitch values for a female soprano voice, you can turn it into an alto voice without changing the specific character of the singer’s voice.
To shift the formants while maintaining—or independently altering—the pitch: Rotate the Formant knob. If you set this parameter to positive values, the singer sounds like Mickey Mouse. By altering the parameter downward, you can achieve vocals reminiscent of Darth Vader.
Tip: If you set Pitch to 0 semitones, Mix to 50%, and Formant to +1 (with Robotize turned off), you can effectively place a singer (with a smaller head) next to the original singer. Both will sing with the same voice, in a choir of two. This doubling of voices is quite effective, with levels easily controlled by the Mix parameter.
In MainStage, click the Robotize button to turn on Robotize mode. In this mode, Vocal Transformer can augment or diminish the melody.
You can control the intensity of this distortion with the Tracking parameter.
Click one of the following buttons to immediately set the Tracking slider to one of these most useful values:
−1 button: Set the slider to −100%. All intervals are mirrored.
0 button: Set the slider to 0%. Delivers interesting results, with every syllable of the vocal track being sung at the same pitch. Low values turn sung lines into spoken language.
1 button: Set the slider to 100%. The range of the melody is maintained. Higher values augment, and lower values diminish, the melody.
2 button: Set the slider to 200%. The intervals are doubled.
The Pitch Base parameter is used to transpose the note that the Tracking parameter is following. For example, with Tracking set to 0%, the pitch of the (spoken) note is transposed to the chosen base pitch value.