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Not every sound needs to consist of several oscillators. There are many simple, effective sounds that make use of a single oscillator. This is especially true of synthesizer bass sounds, which can be created quickly and easily with the Analog Bass Clean setting.
In the Analog Bass Clean setting, the basic sound is a rectangular wave that is transposed down by one octave. The sound is filtered by Filter 2. What’s special about this sound is its combination of Legato and Glide (portamento). When you play staccato, no glide effect occurs. When you play legato, the pitch smoothly glides from one note to another. All keys must be released before you strike a new key, in order to retrigger the envelopes.
In MainStage, do the following:
Check out different filter and envelope settings.
Replace the rectangular wave with a sawtooth.
Vary the Glide settings.
Tip: It’s best to make your edits while a bass line is playing. Create or play a monophonic bass line, with most notes played staccato, but some legato. This can provide some interesting results with very long Glide values.
In the Analog Bass Distorted setting, Filter 1 is engaged, with high settings for Drive and Distortion. This filter is better suited to the creation of distorted analog sounds than Filter 2.
In MainStage, do the following:
Check out Filter 2 by setting Filter Blend to its rightmost position. Notice that Filter 1 works better with distorted sounds.
To control the filter modulation, move the green sliders of the first modulation routing in the router. This controls the modulation intensity.