Transfer a course in iTunes U for web
As the owner of a course, you can choose Transfer Course from the Settings pop-up menu in the dashboard to transfer ownership of an existing course to another instructor. Using course transfer, you can transfer complete ownership of a course to another instructor while maintaining the student roster and causing no disruption to the students taking the course.
When transferring courses, keep in mind:
As an affiliated instructor, both you and the new owner must be affiliated with the same institution.
To transfer ownership of a managed course, both you and the new owner must be associated with the same organization in Apple School Manager. In addition, you cannot transfer an unmanaged course to a Managed Apple ID instructor and you cannot transfer a course that uses a roster imported from an Apple School Manager class.
Transfer a course
In iTunes U for web, click in the row for the course you want to transfer.
Choose Transfer Course, enter the ID for the new instructor, then click Transfer Course.
If an email is associated with the account, iTunes U sends the recipient you specified an email invitation to accept ownership of the course. Until the recipient accepts or declines the invitation, iTunes U displays “Course transfer pending” in the dashboard. To access the course, the recipient must sign in to iTunes U and accept your invitation.
You can continue to edit the course until the recipient accepts or declines the invitation. After the recipient accepts your invitation, but before the transfer is complete, the course is in a transfer processing state and editing is not allowed.
If the instructor accepts your invitation and the transfer is complete:
iTunes U transfers ownership of the course to the new instructor. The new instructor becomes the course owner and you become a course contributor.
The new instructor receives the course, created at the time of acceptance, including all info pages, materials, posts, announcements, the student roster, and so on.
If the instructor declines your invitation, iTunes U displays your instructor name with a notification badge. Click your instructor name at the top of the iTunes U dashboard, choose Inbox, then click Dismiss to acknowledge the notification.
Note: If the owner of a managed course is no longer associated with the Apple School Manager organization (for example, the instructor retires), iTunes U automatically transfers the course to an alternate iTunes U instructor listed in the Apple School Manager class information.