Automation parameters in Logic Pro for iPad
Each track in your project has an Automation Parameter pop-up menu listing all the parameters that can be automated on that track.
Default menu items
With no plug-ins loaded on a track and no automation created yet, the Automation Parameter pop-up menu only displays the header Automation Parameter and two items:
Volume: The parameter used most often, volume is always listed first for quick access.
Main: This submenu contains all the controls in the track’s channel strip. By default, only four items are listed:
Volume is a submenu containing two independent automation parameters, Absolute and Relative (±), to automate the Volume fader.
Pan is a submenu containing two independent automation parameters, Absolute and Relative (±), to automate the Pan/Balance knob.
Solo lets you automate the Solo button.
Mute lets you automate the Mute button.
MIDI: This submenu contains all the MIDI events that can be automated. It is only displayed for region automation in the Piano Roll Editor and Session Player Editor.
Absolute vs. Relative (±)
The Volume fader and the Pan/Balance knob are the only controls that have two automation parameters:
Absolute: The default automation curve for that parameter.
Relative (±): A secondary automation curve that functions as an offset to existing automation in the track or region. See Create relative volume and pan automation.
Extended menu items
The Automation Parameter pop-up menu is highly dynamic, and the listed menu items and submenus depend on various circumstances. There are up to three sections displayed in the menu:
Activate/Deactivate Visible Automation: The only item in this section shows the currently selected (visible) automation parameter. A checkmark indicates that that automation data is active. You can tap it to temporarily deactivate that automation parameter if you want to control that parameter manually.
Automation Parameters: This section is always displayed. It shows all the controls in the track’s channel strip that can be automated.
MIDI: The MIDI submenu is part of the Automation Parameter section but visually separated to indicate that these types of automation create MIDI data points and not automation points. The menu lists nine types of MIDI messages plus two submenus containing the MIDI controls 0–127. The first item lets you filter the displayed messages based on their MIDI channel. This MIDI section is only displayed in the Editors area for region automation on MIDI regions and Session Player regions.
Used: This section displays all the automation parameters that have existing automation data on that track or the region.
The plug-in submenus are numbered and named after the slot position and plug-in 9for example, 2 Channel EQ).
Main submenu
The Main submenu in the Automation Parameter pop-up menu has its own subsections with more submenus.
Volume and Pan submenus: Both submenus contain the items Absolute and Relative (±).
Solo and Mute: These parameters automate the Mute button and Solo button on the track.
Aux Sends: Each aux send on a track is listed as a separate item in the menu (for automating the corresponding Send knob).
On/Off: The remaining items in the menu represent plug-ins or aux sends on that track. They automate their On/Off button .
Automation curve appearance
Automation parameters and their corresponding automation curves have a specific appearance:
In Automation view, the track lane or region displays all active automation curves.
The automation curve of the currently selected automation parameter is the dominant line, and all other automation curves are dimmed but still visible.
Automation parameters have different colors used for the automation curve, their automation points, and the text on the Automation Parameter pop-up menu.
The currently selected automation points and sections of the automation curve are white.
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