Sculpture Groove Pad (stereo) in MainStage
When used in a stereo instance of Sculpture, the Spread and Groove parameters are displayed in the two-dimensional Groove Pad.
Drag the diamond in the center of the crosshair to adjust the values. You can also independently adjust the Spread and Groove parameter values by dragging the lines that intersect the diamond.
You can also Control-click the Groove Pad to open a shortcut menu that contains Copy, Paste, and Clear commands. These can be used to copy and paste delay settings between multiple Sculpture instances or between consecutively loaded settings. The Clear command resets the current delay settings.

Groove Pad parameters
Spread: Adjust for wide stereo delay effects. Values on the y-axis (above the default, centered position) increase the delay time of the right delay line or decrease the delay time of the left delay line—in effect, smearing the delay times of the left and right channels. Negative values invert this effect.
Groove: Distribute delay taps to the left/right channels rather than smearing them across channels, like the Spread parameter. Values on the x-axis reduce the delay time of one delay line by a given percentage, while keeping the other delay line constant. Keep an eye on the small help tag while adjusting.
For example, a value of +50% reduces the right delay time by half. If a value of 1/4 was used as the Delay Time, the right delay would equal 1/8 of a note and the left delay would remain at 1/4 of a note. Needless to say, this parameter is perfect for the creation of interesting rhythmic delays—in stereo.