GoldVerb in MainStage
GoldVerb allows you to edit both the early reflections and diffuse reverb tail separately, making it easy to precisely emulate real rooms.
If you’re new to using plug-ins in MainStage, see Add and remove plug-ins in MainStage.

GoldVerb is divided into four parameter areas:
Early reflections parameters: Used to emulate the original signal first reflections as they bounce off the walls, ceiling, and floor of a natural room. See GoldVerb early reflections controls.
Reverb parameters: Control the diffuse reverberations. See GoldVerb reverb parameters.
Balance ER/Reverb slider and field: Set the balance between the early reflections and the reverb signal. When the slider is set to either extreme position, the other signal is not heard.
Mix slider and field: Determine the balance between the effect (wet) and direct (dry) signals.