Define Sculpture MIDI controllers in Logic Pro for Mac
The bottom strip of the Sculpture interface is used to define MIDI controllers—for vibrato depth control or Morph Pad movements, for example. You can use any MIDI controller shown in the menus for these control sources.
These parameters are saved with each setting. They are updated only if the default setting that is loaded on instantiating the plug-in is used, or if the setting was saved with a project. This approach helps you to adapt all MIDI controllers to the keyboard without having to edit and save each setting separately.

MIDI controller parameters
Vib Depth Ctrl pop-up menu: Choose the MIDI controller used for vibrato depth control.
Ctrl A/B pop-up menus: Choose two controllers that can be used for side chain modulations or as via modulation sources, as set in the CtrlA and CtrlB modulation routing panes.
CtrlEnv 1/2 pop-up menus: Choose controller assignments for the two control envelopes, which can be used as a modulation signal or an offset. Offsets occur in cases where the control envelope is set to Ctrl only or Ctrl+Env modes. These assignment pop-up menus also define the source for recording controller movements.
Morph X/Y pop-up menus: Choose controller assignments for the x and y coordinates of the Morph Pad. After they are assigned, the controller can be used to manually move the morph point, program single Morph Envelope points, shift the entire Morph Envelope, and serve as a source for recording morph movements.
Mode menu: Choose either the default MIDI controller assignments or controller assignments loaded from the setting. If you choose Use Default, assignments remain unchanged. If you choose Load From Setting, you use the controller assignments you saved with the setting. (The default assignments are taken from the #default.pst setting, if it exists, which is loaded when Sculpture is inserted into an instrument channel strip.)
Learn a MIDI controller assignment in Sculpture
In Logic Pro, open a control pop-up menu, and choose the Learn item.
Move the controller on your MIDI keyboard or MIDI controller.
Note: If no suitable MIDI message is received within 20 seconds, the selected control reverts to the previous value/assignment.