Organize recordings in Voice Memos on iPod touch
In the Voice Memos app , you can mark recordings as favorites and organize your recordings into folders.
Note: Apple Watch recordings, recently deleted recordings, and favorites are grouped into Smart Folders—folders that automatically gather files by type and subject matter.
Mark recordings as favorites
Do one of the following:
In the list of recordings, tap the recording you want to mark as a favorite, tap
, then tap
Tap Edit above the list of recordings, select one or more recordings, tap Move, then tap favorites.
Recordings marked as favorites automatically appear in the Favorites folder.
Organize recordings into folders
You can group related recordings together into folders so you can locate them easily.
Tap Edit above the list of recordings.
Select one or more recordings, then tap Move.
If you want to create a new folder for the recordings, tap
, then type a name for the folder.
Tap the folder where you want to store the selected recordings.
To view your folders, tap ; tap a folder to check its contents.
To return to the list of recordings, tap All Recordings above the folders.
Delete or reorder folders
to go to the list of folders.
Tap Edit above the folders, then do any of the following:
Delete a folder: Tap
next to the folder, then tap
Change the order of the folders: Drag
next to any folder.
Tap Done.