Vintage B3 Scanner Vibrato and Chorus in MainStage
Vintage B3 emulates the Scanner Vibrato of the original B3. Few organ players use the Scanner Vibrato, preferring to work with a Leslie in isolation. Others, like B3 virtuoso Brian Auger, prefer the integrated organ vibrato over the Leslie. Compare the chorus and vibrato effects with the sound of the rotor cabinet simulation to see which you prefer.
The Scanner Vibrato is based on an analog delay line, consisting of several lowpass filters. The delay line is scanned by a multipole capacitor that has a rotating pickup. It is a unique effect that cannot be simulated with low frequency oscillators (LFOs). The vibrato of the organ itself should not be confused with the Leslie effect, which is based on rotating speaker horns. Vintage B3 simulates both.
The (Scanner Vibrato) Chorus effect is derived from mixing the vibrato signal with the original, statically pitched signal. The organ chorus sounds different from modern chorus effects.
Important: Scanner Vibrato and Chorus controls are spread across two windows. Click Main in the control bar, then click the Control button at the lower right to view the On and Off switches and to choose the vibrato or chorus type. Click the Options button in the control bar to use the Rate and Depth controls in the Options window.
Scanner Vibrato and Chorus parameters (Main window)
Upper/Lower switches: Switch the scanner vibrato on or off, independently, for the upper and lower manuals. The treble portion of the organ is boosted slightly when any vibrato setting is used. Because the B3 mixes the bass register (pedal) signal with the lower manual signal, the pedal register is also affected by the lower manual scanner vibrato settings.
Type knob and field: Choose from three Vibrato positions (V1, V2, and V3) or three Chorus positions (C1, C2, and C3). In the Vibrato positions, only the delay line signal is heard, and like the Hammond B3, Vintage B3 vibrato types have different intensities. The three Chorus positions (C1, C2, and C3) mix the signal of the delay line with the original signal.
Scanner Vibrato and Chorus parameters (Options window)
Mode switch: Set to Model to approximate the sound of the scanner vibrato. Set to Real to simulate the original circuitry, comprised of a delay line and a multi-section capacitor, which blends between delay line taps.
Rate knob and field: Set the vibrato or chorus speed.
Depth knob and field: Mix the dry signal with the chorus signal. This parameter is active only when a chorus setting is engaged (C1, C2, or C3).