Sync and adjust camera angles in Final Cut Pro for Mac
You can open multicam clips in the angle editor to adjust the sync and the angle order, set the monitoring angle (the angle you see in the viewer when the multicam clip is playing back in the angle editor), or add or delete angles. You can also edit the individual clips inside a multicam clip (similar to how you can edit the contents of a compound clip). The many changes you can make in the angle editor include basic edits and trimming as well as effects you would normally add in the timeline, such as color corrections and transitions.
Note: When you open any multicam clip in the angle editor (whether from the browser or the timeline) you’re actually opening the parent multicam clip. Any changes you make in the angle editor are propagated to all child clips of that multicam clip, in every project. See Create multicam clips in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
You can’t cut and switch between angles in the angle editor. You also can’t connect clips, solo clips, use the precision editor, perform ripple deletes, or use the Detach Audio and Break Apart Clip Items commands.
Tip: Before you edit multicam clips in the angle editor, duplicate them in the browser to maintain clean backup copies.
To close the angle editor and return to the timeline, choose View > Timeline History Back, or press Command-Left Bracket ([).
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