Stop sharing spreadsheets in Numbers for iCloud
If you’re the owner of a spreadsheet that’s shared with others, you can stop sharing the spreadsheet to prevent anyone from viewing or editing it.
With the spreadsheet open: Click the Collaborate button
in the toolbar, click Settings, click Share Options, then click Stop Sharing.
In the spreadsheet manager: Click Shared (on the left), select the spreadsheet, click the More button
, then choose Collaboration Details. Click Share Options, then click Stop Sharing.
Anyone who has the spreadsheet open when you stop sharing sees an alert; the spreadsheet closes when the alert is dismissed, and the spreadsheet is removed from the participants’ iCloud Drive. The link to the shared spreadsheet no longer works.
If you later share the spreadsheet again and set the access to “Anyone with the link,” the original link will work again. If the access is set to “Only people you invite,” the original link will work again only for people you reinvite to share the spreadsheet.