You can print a Pages document from a printer you set up to work with your Mac. To learn about setting up a printer, see Add a printer on Mac.
Go to the Pages app on your Mac.
Open the document you want to print, then choose File > Print (from the File menu at the top of your screen).
Click the Printer pop-up menu and select a printer.
If no printers appear in the menu, click the Printer pop-up menu, click Add Printer, then choose an available printer.
Specify print options:
Copies: Enter the number of copies you want to print.
Print a range or selection: Under Pages, select Range, then enter the beginning and ending page numbers of the range. You can also select Selection, then choose the pages you want to print by ticking or unticking the pages in the print sidebar.
Print comments, smart annotations or page backgrounds: Select the corresponding tick box for comments, smart annotations or page backgrounds.
For more printing options: Click Layout or Paper Handling for additional options.
Click Print.
For more information about printing on your Mac, click the question-mark button at the bottom of the print window. Most printing functions are managed by your Mac’s operating system and by the features built into your printer.
If documents won’t print or the colour looks wrong, check the documentation that came with your printer.
You can print envelopes from within Pages, as described below, or from the Contacts app on your Mac (see Contacts Help to learn how).
Go to the Pages app on your Mac.
Choose File > New (from the File menu at the top of your screen).
Click the second pop-up menu in the Printer and Paper Size section, then select an envelope size.
If you don’t see the size you need, you can set a custom size. Select File > Page Setup (from the File menu at the top of the screen), click the Paper Size pop-up menu, then select Manage Custom Sizes.
On the envelope template, click place holder text in the recipient address, then type the address.
You can add or delete lines as needed.
Double click text in the return address, then type your address.
The return address is a text box. Drag the selection handles if you want to resize it.
Select File > Print.
Click the Printer pop-up menu, select a printer, then click Print.
You can create a personalised envelope with your return address, then save the envelope as a custom template. Your envelope template appears in the My Templates section of the template chooser if you save it there.
You can set a default printer for the document. If this printer isn’t available when you print, the default printer specified in your computer’s System Settings is used instead.
Go to the Pages app on your Mac.
Open a document, then click the Document tab in the Document sidebar.
Click the Printer pop-up menu and select a printer.
Click the Paper Size pop-up menu and select a paper size.
If you don’t see the size you need, you can set a custom size. Select File > Page Setup (from the File menu at the top of the screen), click the Paper Size pop-up menu, then select Manage Custom Sizes.