After you add arrangement markers to the Arrangement track, you can use them to rearrange your project. You can select arrangement markers, move and copy them, replace them, and delete them from the Arrangement track.
When you move or copy an arrangement marker, all of the regions in that section of the project are moved or copied, including the markers on every track in the section, and the automation points on every automation curve in the section. If any tracks in the project are locked, you should unlock them before editing the arrangement markers in the project.
In GarageBand on Mac, in the Arrangement track, click the arrangement marker.
To select multiple arrangement markers, Shift-click them.
You can’t select noncontiguous arrangement markers.
In GarageBand on Mac, drag the arrangement marker to a new position in the Arrangement track.
When you move an arrangement marker between two existing arrangement markers, the marker to the right moves right to make room for the new marker. When you drag one arrangement marker directly over another one in the Arrangement track, the two markers switch places (all their content is swapped).
In GarageBand on Mac, Option-drag the arrangement marker to the position where you want to place the copy.
When you place the copy between two existing arrangement markers, the marker to the right moves right to make room for the copied marker.
In GarageBand on Mac, Command-drag an arrangement marker directly over another one.
In GarageBand on Mac, select the arrangement marker, then press Delete to delete the regions in the Tracks area below the arrangement marker so it’s empty. Press Delete again to delete the arrangement marker.
Important: In case you accidentally delete regions that you want to keep, use Undo to restore them.
When you move or delete an arrangement marker, the sections to the right move left to fill the deleted section, closing up the empty space.