Vintage Console EQ controls in Final Cut Pro for Mac
Vintage Console EQ emulates the EQ section of a well-known mixing console channel that is noted for its tonal color, warmth, smooth top end, and mid-forward presence. A three-band design with switchable low and midrange bands and a fixed 12 kHz high-frequency band, it also has a passive third-order (18 dB/octave) low cut/highpass filter.
The original console module is regarded as a cult classic by many recording engineers, and has been used on countless hit records over the past 40 to 50 years.

In/Out switch: Turn the EQ circuit on or off.
Low Cut button: Turn the low cut/highpass filter on or off. This is a third-order filter set at 18 dB per octave.
Low Cut knob: Set the low cut/highpass filter frequency at 50, 80, 160, or 300 Hz, or set values between these increments. Frequencies below this are rolled off at a fixed 18 dB per octave.
Low button: Turn the low shelving filter on or off.
Low Gain knob: Set the low shelving filter level. The gain range is ±16 dB.
Low Freq (Frequency) knob: Set the low shelving filter center frequency at 35, 60, 110, or 220 Hz, or set values between these increments.
Mid button: Turn the midrange filter on or off.
Mid Gain knob: Set the midrange filter level. The gain range is ±18 dB.
Mid Freq (Frequency) knob: Set the midrange filter center frequency at 0.36, 0.7, 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, or 7.2 kHz, or set values between these increments.
High button: Turn the high shelving filter on or off. The level is fixed at 12 kHz.
High Gain knob: Set the high shelving level. The gain range is ±16 dB.
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