Each parameter mapping has a Parameter graph. You can edit the graph to remap input values to different output values for the parameter. Using graphs, you can graphically remap the values for some MIDI control messages so that input values from your controller produce different output values for the channel strip or plug-in parameter. Graphs make it easier to see and modify a range of values for a parameter, such as velocity or filter cutoff.
You can use graphs for the following types of parameters:
Controller transforms
Velocity scaling (both input velocity and note input)
Parameters to which a screen control is mapped
You open a graph window by clicking the button for that type of graph in the appropriate Inspector. The Transform and Velocity Scaling graphs for the selected channel strip are available in the MIDI Input tab of the Channel Strip Inspector. The Parameter graph for the selected screen control is available in the tab for the individual mapping, as well as in the Mappings tab in the (Edit mode) Screen Control Inspector.
The graph shows the range of input values on the horizontal (x) axis, moving from left to right, and shows the range of output values on the vertical (y) axis, moving from bottom to top.
In the graph window, you have several ways of working. You can edit the graph curve directly, edit values numerically using the Precision Editor, or use the Curve buttons to set the graph to one of the predefined curves.
In MainStage, select the channel strip or screen control you want the graph to apply to.
Select the MIDI Input tab (for transform and velocity scaling graphs) or the Mapping tab (for parameter mapping graphs).
Click the graph button for the type of graph you want to edit.
In the graph window, do one of the following:
To set the graph to one of the preset curves, click one of the Curve buttons.
Click the curve at the point where you want to add a node, then drag the node to the desired value. Drag horizontally to change the input value, or vertically to change the output value.
As you drag, the current values of the node appear next to the pointer.
Double-click the curve at the point where you want to add a node, then edit the values for the node in the Precision Editor.
To delete a node, click to select it, then press Delete.
Option-click any part of the curve (except a node), then drag the dotted part of the curve to make the curve nonlinear.
Continue adding and adjusting points on the curve until you achieve the result you want.
When you finish, click the close button at the upper-left corner of the graph window, or press the Escape (Esc) key.
After you have edited a graph, the button for the graph in the Inspector shows the edited shape of the graph in a dark blue color to make it easier to identify which graphs you have edited and how.
In the MainStage graph window, select the Stepped checkbox.
The graph window shows two steps, with input and output values.
To add steps, click the Add (+) button.
To change the input or output values for a step, click the value, then drag vertically.
In the MainStage graph window, click the Copy button.
Open the graph you want to paste the values into, and click the Paste button.
In MainStage, do one of the following:
In the graph window, click the Invert button.
In the tab for the mapping, select the Invert Parameter Range checkbox.
In MainStage, click the Revert to Default button at the top of the graph window.
In MainStage, click the close button at the upper-left corner of the graph window, or press the Escape (Esc) key.
Most of the ways you edit graphs are the same regardless of the type of graph, although there are a few features specific to one or another type. For Parameter graphs, you can change the minimum and maximum range values for the graph using the Range Min and Range Max value sliders. For more information, see Create controller transforms in MainStage and Scale channel strip velocity in MainStage.