Add and manage members for a single channel in News Publisher
When you create a channel in News Publisher, you’re assigned the Administrator role. As your channel’s Administrator, you can give other people access to your channel by adding them as members and assigning them a role—Administrator, Editor in Chief, Editor, Sales, or Viewer—with specific permissions. For example, those assigned the Sales role can view analytics data and articles.
Administrators can assign all roles. Editors in Chief can assign all roles except Sales. Users with the Administrator or Editor in Chief role can also remove members, and revoke and resend invitations.
To add and manage members, go to icloud.com, sign in, then click News Publisher. Click Settings, click Members, then follow these steps.
Add a member
Click Add Member, then enter a member name and email address.
Choose a member role from the Role menu, then click Send Invitation.
The member receives an email invitation to join your channel. To join, the member must accept the invitation, which expires after 3 days. The names and roles of invited members appear in the Invited table at the top of the Members page.
Note: Members sign in to News Publisher using their Apple Account or Managed Apple Account. If the invited member attempts to redeem the invitation with a different Apple Account, they must request approval. Members whose approvals are pending appear on the Members page with a light red background. Click Review to the right of the member’s role, then click Approve.
Revoke an invitation
You can revoke an invitation any time before the member accepts it.
In the Invited table, click Revoke to the right of the member’s role.
Click Revoke Invitation to confirm.
Resend an invitation
If an invitation has expired, you can resend it.
In the Invited table, click Resend to the right of the member’s role.
You can also choose to delete an expired invitation.
Click Resend Invitation to confirm.
Search for a member
Enter the first name, last name, or portion of a name in the search field.
You can also search for people who have been invited.
Change a member’s role
Users with the Administrator or Editor in Chief role can change a member’s role.
Note: The Administrator can change any member’s role. The Editor in Chief can change roles for other Editors in Chief, for Editors, and for Viewers, but not for Administrators or Sales.
In the Members table, click Edit to the right of the member’s role.
Choose a different role, then click Save.
Note: When you don’t have permission to change someone’s role, you see a View button instead of an Edit button.
Remove a member
In the Members table, click Edit to the right of the member’s role, then click Remove Member.
Note: You can’t remove a member unless you have permission to change a particular member’s role.