Legacy Analog Sync in MainStage
Analog Sync, which is based on the ES2, emulates tones from analog synthesizers that synchronize two oscillators to produce their sound. The Analog Sync instrument is most useful for hard-edged analog synthesizer lead sounds.
If you’re new to using plug-ins in MainStage, see Add and remove plug-ins in MainStage.
Volume slider: Set the overall volume level of the instrument.
Sync slider: Determine the synchronization (or lack of it) between the two oscillators, and therefore the harshness of the sound.
Sync Modulation slider: Determine how much the synchronization of the two oscillators is modulated, resulting in more complex (and harder) tones.
Sync Envelope slider: Determine the amount that envelope parameters affect the sound.
Cutoff slider: Allow less sound through at low values and more at high values, damping the sound or making it brighter.
Attack slider: Make the sound start faster or slower. A fast setting makes it sound like striking a piano key, whereas a slow setting makes it sound like bowing a violin string.
Decay slider: Make the harmonic, or bright, portion of the sound sustain for a longer time at slow values. Faster values move to the sustain level more quickly.
Sustain slider: Determine the level of the sound after the Attack or Decay phase has completed.