Legacy Grooveshifter in MainStage
Grooveshifter allows you to rhythmically vary audio recordings, imparting a swing feel to the input signal. Imagine a guitar solo played in straight eighth or sixteenth notes. Grooveshifter can make this straightforward solo swing.
Grooveshifter automatically follows all changes to the project tempo, which it uses as the reference tempo.
Note: Grooveshifter relies on perfect matching of the project tempo with the tempo of the treated recording. Any tempo variations deliver less precise results.
If you’re new to using plug-ins in MainStage, see Add and remove plug-ins in MainStage.

Grooveshifter source material parameters
Beat and Tonal buttons: Select the type of source, or input, material you are using.
Beat button: The beat algorithm is optimized for percussive input material. The Grain Size slider is disabled when you select Beat.
Tonal button: The tonal algorithm is optimized for tonal input material. Because this algorithm is based on granular synthesis, the Grain Size slider is available when you select Tonal.
Grain Size slider and field: Set the size of the grains—from 1 ms to 20 ms. Technically, this determines the analysis precision. The default Auto setting at the left end of the slider automatically assigns a suitable grain size value based on the incoming signal.
Grooveshifter swing parameters
Grid buttons: Set the beat division used as a timing reference when analyzing audio material.
1/8 button: Select if the audio material contains primarily eighth notes.
1/16 button: Select if the audio material consists mostly of sixteenth notes.
Swing slider and field: Set the amount that even beats are delayed—from 50% to 75%. A value of 50% means there is no swing, which is typical for most pop and rock music styles. The higher the value, the stronger the swing effect.
Accent slider and field: Set the level of even beats, from –12 dB to +12 dB, suppressing or accentuating them. Such accents are typical of a variety of rhythmic styles, such as swing or reggae.