System Image Utility Help

Welcome to System Image Utility

Create and deploy custom network images that contain operating system software, configuration profiles, scripts, or packages.

The System Image Utility window showing the app during the creation of a package-only image. In the middle is the Source pop-up menu with “Package-only (no OS) installation” chosen.
The System Image Utility window showing the options you can select when creating a network disk image: NetBoot Image, NetInstall Image, and NetRestore Image.

Easily manage the software on network bootable system images

Instead of installing software on one computer at a time, you can create a system image with all the software your users need, and deploy it to a variety of Mac models on your network. Or, create a network-bootable macOS image that users can start up from. To get started, choose a source image and the type of network disk image you want to create.

Want to learn more? See Types of images and Create network disk images.

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