Image sequence job properties in Compressor
The properties of a Compressor job containing an image sequence media file are described below. The job’s properties are displayed in the Job inspector.
Note: To learn how to import a set of image sequence files, see Import an image sequence in Compressor.
Job summary
Displays the name, location, file information, and duration of the source file.
Provides the timecode for the Start point, In point, and duration of the image sequence output file.
Image sequence properties
The following properties are available in the Image Sequence Properties area of the Job inspector:
Frame Rate: Choose a frame rate for the image sequence file from the pop-up menu, or type a custom value in the text field.
Audio File: Add an audio file to the image sequence job file by clicking the Choose button, selecting a file, and clicking Open.
Video properties
The following properties are available in the Video Properties area of the Job inspector:
Field order: Use the pop-up menu to set the order in which video fields are transcoded. There are three options:
Progressive: All lines sampled at the same instant in time.
Top First: The field containing the top line (even lines) is sampled at an earlier instant in time than the field containing the bottom line (odd lines). Top-first field order is commonly used for high-definition video and standard-definition PAL video.
Bottom First: The field containing the bottom line (odd lines) is sampled at an earlier instant in time than the field containing the top line (even lines). Bottom-first field order is commonly used for standard-definition NTSC video.
Color space: Use the pop-up menu to select a color space to apply to the source clip in the job. This defines how Compressor interprets the color data in the clip. It doesn’t convert the clip to another color space. To convert from one color space to another, change the “Color space” pop-up menu in the Video pane for each specific setting in the batch.
Note: If the source file is tagged with a color space (such as Rec. 709), Compressor adds an asterisk (*) to the item in the pop-up menu. If the source file is untagged or tagged with an unrecognized color space, Compressor chooses the most likely color space and adds a dagger (†) to the item in the pop-up menu.
Image sequence files
Displays the image sequence files, in order.
The Metadata area of the Job inspector in Compressor contains the Add Job Annotation pop-up menu, which lets you include annotation metadata in your output file. See Add metadata annotations in Compressor.
The following properties are available in the Action area of the Job inspector:
When done: Use this pop-up menu to assign an automated job action to be performed after transcoding. See Job action properties in Compressor.
Save captions to disk: Available for transcode settings that support captions. Select this checkbox to save a separate captions text file to your computer when you transcode a job that has captions. See Export captions in Compressor.