Open items quickly in an app playground in Swift Playgrounds on Mac
While you’re working in an app playground, you can quickly locate and open items using menu commands, keyboard shortcuts, toolbar buttons, and quick actions.
Add toolbar buttons for opening items quickly
You can add buttons to the toolbar (at the top of the Playgrounds window) for opening items quickly and performing quick actions.
In an open app playground in the Swift Playgrounds app
on your Mac, Control-click in the toolbar at the top of the Playgrounds window.
Choose Customize Toolbar, then do any of the following:
to the toolbar to add a button for opening items quickly.
to the toolbar to add a button for performing quick actions.
to the toolbar to add a button for quickly jumping to a specific line of code.
Click Done.
Open items quickly
In an open app playground in the Swift Playgrounds app
on your Mac, do any of the following to open a list of items:
Add toolbar buttons for opening items quickly, then tap or click
in the toolbar.
Press Shift-Command-O.
Start typing the name of the item to see a list that includes Swift files, symbols, and other assets.
Click an item in the list to open it. (Or press Return to open the selected item.)
To close the list, click outside it.
Perform quick actions
In an open app playground in the Swift Playgrounds app
on your Mac, do any of the following to open a list of quick actions:
Add toolbar buttons for opening items quickly, then click
in the toolbar.
Press Shift-Command-A.
Click a quick action in the list.
(Or, to close the list, click outside it.)
Jump to a line of code
In an open app playground in the Swift Playgrounds app
on your Mac, do any of the following to jump to a line of code:
Add toolbar buttons for opening items quickly, then click
in the toolbar.
Press Command-L.
Type the number of the line you want to jump to, then press Return.
(Or, to close the field, click outside it.)