You can record audio or video on your device and add it directly to a page. For instance, when you create reports or books, you can record yourself reading a page so your readers can play it back.
To learn how to add an existing audio or video file to a document, see Add video and audio.
You can take a video with the camera on your device and insert it directly into your document.
Go to the Pages app on your iPad.
Open a document, then do one of the following:
Tap in the bottom-right corner of a media placeholder, then tap Take Photo or Video.
Tap Video, then tap to start recording; tap to stop.
To watch the video, tap .
Do one of the following:
Insert the video: Tap Use Video.
Take the video again: Tap Retake.
Cancel and return to the document: Tap Retake, then tap Cancel.
Drag any blue dot to resize the video.
You can’t edit the video in Pages. The video is available in the Photos app on your device, where you can edit it.
Go to the Pages app on your iPad.
Open a document, tap in the toolbar, then tap Record Audio.
Note: After you record, you insert the recording wherever you want in the document.
Tap and start recording; when you want to stop, tap .
While you record, you can scroll, zoom, and view different pages.
To preview your recording, tap .
To preview from a specific point, swipe left or right on the recording to position the orange line, then tap .
To edit your recording, tap , then do any of the following:
Rerecord a section: Drag the orange handles to select the section. Tap to record over that section.
Trim: Drag the orange handles to define the section you want to keep. Tap to delete everything outside of the handles.
Delete all or part of the recording: Drag the orange handles to define the section you want to delete. Tap to delete everything inside the handles.
Go to the page where you want to add the recording, tap Insert or Done at the top of the screen, then drag the recording to move it.
To play your recording, tap to select it, then tap it again. To edit or delete the recording after you add it to a page, tap it, then tap Edit or Delete.
You can also share your recording as an audio file. Tap the recording on the page, then tap Share.
To work with multiple videos or audio objects at the same time, touch and hold one object, then tap the other objects with another finger.