MP3 presets in Compressor
The built-in MP3 and MP3 for Audio Podcasting presets in Compressor use the MP3 transcoding format. This format encodes MP3 files, which are often used for digital audio players. You can also create custom presets that use the MP3 transcoding format.
Note: You can create custom presets that use the MP3 transcoding format.
The properties of built-in and custom presets that use this transcoding format are located in the General inspector and Audio inspector (described below).
Preset summary
The top section of the inspector displays the preset name and transcoding format used by Compressor, as well as an estimated output file size and a summary of audio properties. When you add a preset to a job or change the preset’s properties, this summary is automatically updated.
General Properties
Name: Displays the name of the preset.
Description: Displays the description of the preset.
Extension: Displays the extension of the output file (.mp3).
Allow export segmentation: This checkbox is dimmed because job segmenting is not available for presets that output only an audio file.
Default location: Select an item from the pop-up menu to set the default save location for transcoded files.
Sets the processing algorithm used to adjust the frame rate during transcoding. Select one of the following options:
Set to percent of source using: Modifies the output clip’s speed by a percentage of the source clip’s speed. Enter a value in the percentage field or choose a preset value from the adjacent pop-up menu (with a down arrow).
Set to: Sets the duration of the clip. Enter a timecode duration in the field or click the arrows to increase or decrease the time.
For more information, see Retime video and audio using Compressor.
Audio Properties
Channel layout: Use the pop-up menu to set the audio channel layout. See Audio channel layouts in Compressor.
Sample rate: Use this pop-up menu to set the number of times per second that music waveforms (samples) are captured digitally. The higher the sample rate, the higher the audio quality and the larger the file size.
Sample size: Use this pop-up menu to manually set the sample size of the audio signal.
Bit rate: Use the slider to set the number of kilobits per second (kbps) required to deliver your audio file. Using a higher rate will produce a higher-quality audio file.
Use variable bit rate encoding: Select the checkbox to vary the number of bits used to store the music depending on the complexity of the music. Variable bit rate encoding can reduce the size of the output file.
Joint stereo: Select the checkbox to have one channel carry the information that’s identical on both channels, and another channel carry unique information. At bit rates of 160 kbps and below, this preset can improve the sound quality of your converted audio.
Smart encoding adjustments: Select the checkbox to have Compressor analyze the source file and the preset’s encoding properties to maximize the quality of the output file.
Filter frequencies below 10 Hz: Select the checkbox to have Compressor remove inaudible frequencies from the source file and output a smaller and more efficient file without perceptible loss of quality.
Audio Effects
For a list of available audio effects in Compressor, and instructions on how to add an audio effect to a preset, see Add and remove effects in Compressor.
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