Format dates, currency, and more in Numbers on Mac
You can format a table cell with a specific data format (for example, number, currency, percentage) that determines how data in the cell appears, and how it’s used in calculations.
You can also choose how many decimal places appear in cells that contain numbers, currency units, or percentage values, even if the exact value entered in the cell has more decimal places than you want to show. The actual value entered is always the value used in calculations, regardless of how many decimal places appear in the cell. If a formula refers to text in a cell, the displayed value is used in the calculation.
You can change a cell’s format even if you already typed content in the cell. For example, if you have a table that shows your monthly budget, you can have a currency symbol (for example, a dollar sign $) added to all cells automatically by formatting the cells as currency, then selecting the symbol you want.
You can also create custom cell formats to display other data, such as phone numbers. See Create a custom cell formatCreate a custom cell format.