Match EQ parameters in MainStage
Match EQ offers the parameters described in this section.

Match EQ parameters
Fade Extremes checkbox: Select to set an automatic high cut and low cut threshold. Matching signals above or below these thresholds are slowly faded to zero.
Main display: Displays the filter curve created by matching the template to the current material. You can also edit the filter curve directly (see Edit the Match EQ filter curve).
Scale display: Drag the scale to set the 0 dB reference line and scaling in the main display.
Mode buttons: Set the information shown in the graphic display. Choices are:
Current: Displays the frequency curve for the audio learned as current material. This is shown in green.
Reference: Displays the learned frequency curve template for the source file. This is shown in purple.
EQ Curve: Displays the filter curve created by matching the template and the current material. This is shown in yellow.
Action menu: Choose and execute commands from the Current or Reference Action menu.
Clear: Clears the Current Material Spectrum or Reference Spectrum.
Copy: Copies the Current Material Spectrum or Reference Spectrum to the Clipboard.
Paste: Pastes the Current Material Spectrum or Reference Spectrum from the Clipboard.
Load: Loads the Current Material Spectrum or Reference Spectrum from a setting file.
Generate: Creates a Current Material Spectrum or Reference Spectrum from an audio file.
Current Learn button: Start or stop the process of learning the frequency spectrum of the project you want to match with the source file or input.
Reference Learn button: Start or stop the process of learning the frequency spectrum of the source file or input.
EQ Curve Match button: Match the frequency spectrum of the current material to that of the template (source) file.
Analyzer button: Turn the Analyzer on or off. Play the audio signal and watch the graphic display to identify peaks and low level parts of the frequency spectrum.
Pre/Post button: Choose whether the Analyzer looks at the signal before (Pre) or after (Post) the filter curve is applied.
Smoothing slider and field: Set the amount of smoothing for the filter curve, using a constant bandwidth set in semitone steps. A value of 0.0 has no impact on the filter curve. A value of 1.0 means a smoothing bandwidth of one semitone. A value of 4.0 means a smoothing bandwidth of four semitones (a major third). A value of 12.0 means a smoothing bandwidth of one octave, and so on.
Note: Smoothing has no effect on any manual changes you make to the filter curve.
Channel pop-up menu: Click to determine if separate curves are displayed by the Analyzer. Choose L&R for stereo, or an individual L or R channel. Changes to the filter curve affect the chosen channel if a single channel is selected.
Note: The Hide Others and Channel Link parameters are disabled when you use the effect on a mono channel.
Hide Others checkbox: Hide or show other channels when an individual channel is chosen in the Channel pop-up menu. The visible impact of this parameter is directly tied to the Channel Link slider value.
Note: The Hide Others parameter is disabled when you use the effect on a mono channel.
Channel Link slider and field: Refine settings made with the Channel pop-up menu.
When set to 100%, all channels are represented by a common EQ curve.
When set to 0%, a separate filter curve is displayed for each channel (chosen with the Channel pop-up menu).
Settings between 0 and 100% blend these values with your filter curve changes for each channel. This results in a hybrid curve.
Note: The Channel Link parameter is disabled when you use the effect on a mono channel.
Phase pop-up menu: Choose the operational principle of the filter curve.
Linear: Prevents processing from altering the signal phase, but latency is higher.
Minimal: Alters the signal phase (slightly), but latency is reduced.
Minimal, Zero Latency: Adds no latency, but has a higher CPU overhead than the other options.
Apply slider and field: Determine the impact of the filter curve on the signal.
Values above 100% magnify the effect.
Values below 100% reduce it.
Negative values (−1% to −100%) invert the peaks and troughs in the filter curve.
A value of 100% has no impact on the filter curve.