View settings in Logic Pro for iPad

Track appearance
Region Color pop-up menu: Set whether you can color regions individually or whether they follow the track color. Choose from two options:
Individual: You can color regions individually independent from the track color.
As Track Color: Regions conform to the color of the track they are on, but they remember the individual color of a region if you switch back to Individual.
This option hides the Automatically Colorize Takes switch in the Recording project settings.
MIDI data
Display as pop-up menu: Choose with what resolution MIDI data is displayed in the editors and the inspector. The second and third options provide a higher data resolution introduced with MIDI 2.0—16-bit for velocity and 32-bit for pitch bend, aftertouch, and continuous controllers.
MIDI 1.0: Values are shown in a 7-bit range from 0 to 127 as in previous versions (based on the MIDI 1.0 standard).
0.0 - 127.9: The value before the decimal separator maps to the MIDI 1.0 value. The decimals represent the resolution of the additional bits.
Percent: Values are represented as percentages from 0% to 100% with varying decimals, depending on the parameter.
The MIDI data display settings affect the following areas:
Note inspector: The Velocity and Release Velocity fields in the Note inspector show the MIDI data value of the MIDI notes selected in the Piano Roll Editor.
Automation Point inspector: The Continuous Controller, Aftertouch, Polyphonic Aftertouch, and Pitch Bend fields in the Automation Point inspector show the MIDI data value of the automation points selected in the Piano Roll Editor.
Note: Settings other than “MIDI 1.0” are only recommended if you’re using MIDI 2.0–compatible devices and plug-ins that can take advantage of the higher data resolution.
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