Get transit directions in Maps on iPad
In the Maps app , you can get detailed transit directions to your destination, including departure times, connection information, and fare amounts.

Note: Public transportation information isn’t available in all countries or regions. See the iOS and iPadOS Feature Availability website.
Find a transit route
Do one of the following:
Say something like “Hey Siri, give me transit directions to the Ferry Building.” Learn how to use Siri.
Note: Siri transit directions aren’t available in all countries or regions.
Tap your destination (such as a search result in Maps or a landmark on a map), or touch and hold anywhere on the map, then tap the directions button.
When a suggested route appears, you can do any of the following:
Switch to transit directions: If transit isn’t your default mode of travel, tap the travel mode button (below the Directions list), then tap
Choose a future departure or arrival time: Tap Now (below the Directions list), select a time or date for departure or arrival, then tap Done.
Select which transit method you prefer: Tap Prefer (below the Directions list), then select your preferences.
Switch from transit card to cash fares: In some countries and regions, fares are listed for the suggested routes. To view cash fares (where available), tap Transit Card Fares (below the Directions list), then tap Cash Fares.
Choose other route options: You can switch the starting point and destination, select a different starting point or destination, and more. See Select other route options in Maps on iPad.
Tap Go for the route you want.
To get upcoming directions during your trip, scroll down in the route card.
Find nearby transit departures in Favorites
You can get one-tap access to the departure times for stops and stations near you.

Add Nearby Transit to Favorites: In the row of Favorites on the search card, tap
, tap Nearby Transit, then tap Done. (If
doesn’t appear, swipe the Favorites row left.)
View upcoming departures: Tap Transit in the row of Favorites on the search card. To see stop details and additional departure times, tap any row on the Nearby Transit card.
Choose a line to appear at the top of the Nearby Transit list: Tap Transit in the row of Favorites on the search card, touch and hold a line, then tap Pin. (To remove the pin, touch and hold the line again, then tap Remove Pin.)
Add a transit station or stop to Favorites
You can get one-tap access to the departure times for and directions to your favorite stop or station.
Do one of the following:
(to the right of the directions button on the place card), then Tap Add to Favorites.
See the major transit lines
With a map showing, tap the button at the top right.
Select Transit, then tap
End transit directions before you arrive
Siri: Say something like: “Hey Siri, stop navigating.” Learn how to use Siri.
Or without using Siri, tap on the route card.