Job action properties in Compressor
Compressor comes with a set of job actions that are used in destinations as well as in jobs. The job action assigned to a destination or job performs an automated action after transcoding—usually copying the transcoded file to a new location.
The properties of job actions available in Compressor are described below.
Add to TV Home Videos
Title: Displays the title of the file as you want it to appear in your Home Videos library on Apple TV. You can type a title in the text field.
Open with Application
Open with: This pop-up menu sets the default application for opening the transcoded file (for example, Music or QuickTime Player).
Prepare for HTTP Live Streaming
The Prepare for HTTP Live Streaming job action processes the transcoded files using the instructions you provide via the properties below and then uploads the processed files to the server you specify. To learn more about HTTP Live Streaming, see the HTTP Live Streaming Overview and other related documents, available in the Mac Developer Library.
Destination for Live Stream assets: Click the Choose button to assign a save location for the live streaming assets.
Output type: This pop-up menu sets the format output for this job action. There are two options:
MPEG-2 TS: Sets the output format to MPEG-2 transport stream.
Fragmented MP4: Sets the output format to fragmented MP4 (fMP4). This option is only available if you are running macOS 10.14 or later.
Segment duration: Enter a minimum number of seconds per segment for the segment duration.
Because the segment’s length determines when the web server can switch between the various video formats while streaming to a device with varying network connection speeds, a shorter segment duration allows the server to respond more quickly to changing connection speeds. In most situations, it’s recommended that you leave the segment duration at 10 seconds.
Create Read Me file with sample HTML: Select this checkbox to create a sample HTML file for hosting the HTTP live-streaming content.
Run Automator Workflow
The Automator Workflow job action applies an Automator workflow to an output file after transcoding.
Workflow: Click the Choose button to set the Automator workflow that the job action triggers.
Send Email
The Send Email job action sends an email with an attachment of the transcoded file from the macOS Mail app.
To: Enter recipient’s email addresses in this field.
Subject and Message: Enter relevant text in these fields.
For information about adding or modifying a job action in a job, see View and modify job properties in Compressor. For information about choosing a job action that’s part of a destination, see View destination properties in Compressor.
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