Show signal flow channel strips in MainStage
In addition to the channel strips in a patch, you can view and edit signal flow channel strips in the Channel Strips area. Signal flow channel strips include the Output and Master channel strips for the concert, auxes that are receiving signal from a channel strip in the patch, and any set- or concert-level channel strips that are available when the patch is selected. You can also view signal flow channel strips at the set level.
When you show signal flow channel strips, channel strips at the concert level, including Output and Aux channel strips, include a small concert icon near the top of the channel strip to make it easy to distinguish them from patch-level channel strips. Channel strips at the set level include a small folder icon so they can also be easily distinguished.
You can edit signal flow channel strips in the Channel Strips area. For example, you can adjust the volume fader or pan slider of a signal flow channel strip or add effects to an aux channel strip.
Show signal flow channel strips for the selected patch
In MainStage, click the Action pop-up menu
in the Channel Strips area and choose Show Signal Flow Channel Strips (if it’s not already enabled with a checkmark).