Drum Synth Kicks in MainStage
You can create kick drums that range from soft, classic electronic sounds to more modern and punchy sounds with the Drum Synth Kicks group instruments.

Drum Synth kick sound parameters
You can change the kick drum sound by adjusting its parameters. Not all parameters are available for each type of kick drum sound. Parameters interact with each other, changing the behavior and impact of adjustments you make, resulting in a broader range of potential sounds. Click the drum icon to play the sound.
Body knob: Alter the depth of the sound, making it fuller and richer.
Decay knob: Set the length of the decay phase of the sound.
Noise knob: Add a noise signal to the sound.
Pitch knob: Set the tuning of the sound in semitone steps.
Punch knob: Adjust the tone of the attack phase of the sound.
Saturation knob: Set the saturation amount. This adds a warm distortion.
Shape knob: Adjust the shape of the kick drum.
Snap knob: Set the amount of beater noise.
Sweep knob: Adds heft to the attack phase of the sound.
Tone knob: Set the overall tonal color of the sound.
Volume knob: Set the output level of the sound.