Convert Chinese or Latin characters on Mac
In some apps, you can quickly convert characters between Traditional and Simplified Chinese, or convert Latin characters (such as English or French) between half-width and full-width.
In an app on your Mac, select characters in your text to convert.
Do one of the following:
Convert characters between Traditional and Simplified Chinese: Click the Input menu in the menu bar, then choose Convert Text to Simplified Chinese or Convert Text to Traditional Chinese.
You can also Control-click the selected characters, then choose Services > Convert Text to Simplified Chinese or Convert Text to Traditional Chinese.
If you don’t see the option in the shortcut menu, make sure you enabled the Chinese conversion service. Choose Services > Services Settings from the app’s menu in the menu bar, then in the dialog, click
next to Text. Make sure the checkbox for the Convert Text to Simplified Chinese or Convert Text to Traditional Chinese service is selected.
Convert Latin characters between full and half width: Click the Input menu in the menu bar, then choose Convert Text to Half Width or Convert Text to Full Width.