Move reminders on Mac
Drag reminders to move one or more reminders within a list or to another list. You can also choose a new list by clicking .
Note: All Reminders features described in this guide are available when using updated iCloud reminders. Some features aren’t available if you are using accounts from other providers.
Reorder reminders in a list
Go to the Reminders app
on your Mac.
Choose View > Show Sidebar.
Select one or more reminders, then drag reminders up or down in the list.
Tip: Use Command-click to select multiple reminders, then drag the selected reminders up or down the list.
If you drag a reminder in the Today Smart List from one section to another, the reminder’s time is updated. For example, if you drag a reminder from the Afternoon section to the Tonight section, the time is updated to fit in the Tonight section.
If you drag a reminder that has subtasks, the subtasks move with it.
If you drag a reminder in the Scheduled Smart List to a different date, the reminder’s date setting is updated.
In the All Smart List view, you can drag reminders within a list or to another list.
Move reminders to another list
Go to the Reminders app
on your Mac.
Place the pointer over a reminder, then click
Place the pointer over the list field, click the pop-up menu, then choose a list.
Note: If you move a reminder to a Custom Smart List, the Custom Smart List criteria is applied to the reminder. The reminder appears in the current list and the Custom Smart List.
Click outside the pop-up menu to save the reminder to the new list.
Tip: To quickly move a reminder using the sidebar, select one or more reminders, then drag them to another list in the sidebar. If you don’t see the sidebar, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Copy reminders to another list
Go to the Reminders app
on your Mac.
Choose View > Show Sidebar.
Select one or more reminders, then choose Edit > Copy.
Select the list in the sidebar where you want to add the copies, then choose Edit > Paste.