Move reminders on Mac
Drag reminders and reminder lists to organize them. You can move one or more reminders within a list or to another list, reorder reminder lists, and work with reminder list groups. Command-click or Shift-click to select multiple reminders or lists.
Note: All Reminders features described in this guide are available when using updated iCloud reminders. Some features aren’t available when using accounts from other providers.
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Do any of the following:
Reorder reminders: Drag reminders up or down in the list.
If you drag a reminder in the Today Smart List from one section to another, the reminder’s time is updated. For example, if you drag a reminder from the Afternoon section to the Tonight section, the time is updated to fit in the Tonight section.
If you drag a reminder that has subtasks, the subtasks move with it.
If you drag a reminder in the Scheduled Smart List to a different date, the reminder’s date setting is updated.
In the All Smart List view, you can drag reminders within a list or to another list.
Move reminders to another list: Select one or more reminders, then drag them to another list in the sidebar.
Move copies of reminders: Select one or more reminders, choose Edit > Copy, select the list in the sidebar where you want to add the copies, then choose Edit > Paste.
Reorder reminder lists: Drag reminder lists up or down in the sidebar. (You can’t drag a list to a different account.)
Create a new reminder list group: Select one or more reminder lists in the sidebar, drag them to another list, then type a name for the new group.
Move reminder lists into an existing group: Select one or more reminder lists in the sidebar, then drag them to the group.