Modify Beats app settings
Use the app menu
Go to the Beats app
, then tap .Tap any of the following:
My Beats: Displays the currently connected Beats device screen.
Connect Your Beats: Displays the Select Your Beats screen, which lists Beats devices you’ve added—or can add—to the app.
App Settings: Displays the Beats app settings screen, which contains the following controls and information:
Location Permission: Opens Android Settings > Apps > Beats, where you can quickly change allowed permissions and notifications.
Notifications: Turns pairing and battery notifications on or off.
Analytics & Privacy: Turns diagnostics and usage data on or off.
To help Apple improve products and services, the Beats app sends diagnostic and usage data. This data doesn’t personally identify you, but may include location information.
Documents: Displays legal, licensing, and privacy information.
Note: You may need to scroll to see all available settings.
Explore Beats: Displays information about Beats earphones, headphones, or speakers. You can tap “See more” to view detailed product information on
Locate My Beats: Displays a list of previously connected Beats earphones, headphones, or speakers and the locations on a map where they were last connected to your Android device.
Help: Opens the Beats User Guide on