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Set document margins in Pages on iPhone
If you’re working in a word processing document, you can set the top, bottom, left and right document margins. In a page layout document, you set margins for headers and footers. Your settings apply to the whole document. To set margins for individual paragraphs, see Set paragraph margins.
Set margins
at the top of the screen, tap Document Options, then tap Document Setup.
Tap More Options at the bottom of the controls.
In a word processing document, you may need to tap the Document tab at the top of the screen to see More Options.
In More Options view, drag the double arrows on the top, bottom and sides of the document to set the margins.
For documents that use facing pages, you see two pages in More Options view. The margins of both pages change as you drag the arrows.
When you’ve finished, tap Done in the top-left corner to close More Options view and return to the document.