Drum Kit Designer shows a 3D representation of the drum kit for the currently loaded patch.
For all kits, you can preview the drums, edit the pitch, sustain, and volume of each drum kit piece, and exchange the kick and snare drums. When working with multi-channel kits, you can additionally exchange toms, cymbals, and hi-hat. Multi-channel kits let you turn different microphones, such as overheads or room mics, on or off.
Note: Multi-channel kits and some drums are only available after you download additional content.
Drum Kit Designer also has additional parameters for adjusting the gain of other instrument pieces, such as shaker, cowbell, and so on. See Drum Kit Designer extended parameters.
In MainStage, click a drum or percussion piece.
The first time you click any drum or percussion piece after opening the plug-in, one or two panes open. You can exchange individual sounds in the Exchange pane to the left and can edit individual drum or percussion piece settings in the Edit pane to the right.
In MainStage, click a drum or percussion piece.
The Edit pane opens to the right.
Toms: Click the tab for the tom you want to edit, or click the All tab to adjust the tone of all toms.
Cymbals: Click the tab for the crash cymbal you want to edit, or click the All tab to adjust the tone of both crash cymbals. The ride cymbal can be edited directly.
Kicks and snares: There are no tabs, so make your adjustments with the controls.
To adjust settings, do any of the following:
To adjust the pitch: Drag the Tune control vertically, or double-click the field and enter a new value.
To adjust the sustain: Drag the Dampen control vertically, or double-click the field and enter a new value.
To adjust the volume: Drag the Gain control vertically, or double-click the field and enter a new value.
To close open panes, click anywhere in the plug-in window background.
For all kits, you can exchange kick and snare. When working with multi-channel kits, you can additionally exchange toms, cymbals, and hi-hat.
Note: Multi-channel kits and some drums are only available after you download additional content.
In MainStage, click a drum or percussion piece.
The Exchange pane opens to the left if exchange pieces are available for that kit piece.
Click the Info button of a selected piece to view its description.
Click the kit piece that you want to exchange in the Exchange pane. You may need to scroll to find the piece you want to use.
The piece is exchanged and the respective drum sound is loaded.
Note: The toms and the crash cymbals can only be exchanged as a group.
To close the panes, click anywhere in the plug-in window background.
In the Edit pane, do any of the following:
To include the sound in the mic of the other kit pieces: Turn on the Leak switch.
This turns microphone bleed on or off, where the sound of a kit piece is picked up by the different mics from other kit pieces.
To include the kit piece overhead mic in the sound: Turn on the Overheads switch.
This turns the overhead mic for the selected kit piece on or off.
To choose a room emulation to use with the sound: Choose between rooms A and B. You can also turn off the room microphones.
Rooms A and B determine which room mic setup is used with the kit piece.