iCloud User Guide
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Automatically forward email in Mail on iCloud.com
You can have all your iCloud Mail emails forwarded automatically to another email account. You may find this helpful if you use several email accounts.
If you set up a custom email domain for iCloud Mail, mail sent to your custom domain addresses will be forwarded as well.
Automatically forward email
In Mail on iCloud.com, click at the top of the Mailboxes list, then choose Settings.
Click Mail Forwarding, select “Forward my email to,” then type the forwarding address in the text field.
If you don’t want to store a copy of each forwarded email in iCloud, select “Delete messages after forwarding.”
Keep in mind that storing copies of forwarded emails decreases your available iCloud storage space.
You can also specify criteria so that only certain emails are forwarded. When you set up a rule to forward certain emails to another account, you can only use one forwarding address for each rule. See Set up rules to filter email in Mail on iCloud.com.
Stop forwarding email
In Mail on iCloud.com, click at the top of the Mailboxes list, then choose Settings.
Click Mail Forwarding, then deselect “Forward my email to.”