A quick way to change how an object looks is to apply an object style to it. Every template includes object styles — sets of attributes like colours, borders and shadows — that are designed to look good with the template.
You can create your own object style by customising the look of an object — apply your own colour, border, fill and so on — then save the look as a new style that you can apply to other objects.
Select a style at the top of the sidebar (click the left or right arrow to see more styles).
If the selected object is a shape that includes text, but you want to apply just the shape style to it (the colour and border, for example), Control-click the style thumbnail, then select Apply Shape Style Only.
If you want to save your changes as a new object style, follow the steps in the next task, “Create a new object style.”
Click to select the image, shape, text box, line, arrow or video with the changes you want to save as a new style.
Click the arrow to the right of the style thumbnails to go to the last group of styles.
Click to add your style.
The style appears as the last thumbnail, but you can drag it to another location.
Note: You can’t create an object style in a document shared with others.
You can reorganise the object styles at the top of the sidebar and delete any you don’t want.
Move a style: Click and hold the style you want to move until it flashes, then drag it to a new location. To move it to another group of styles, drag it over a navigation arrow to move to the next group, then drag it to where you want it.
Delete a style: Control-click the style, then select Delete Style.
Note: You can’t move or delete an object style in a document shared with others.
You can quickly change the look of all objects that have the same style applied.
Click to select one of the objects the style of which you want to modify, then make your changes.
Select the object you just modified (if it’s no longer selected).