Delete a user or group on Mac
If you’re an administrator, you can delete users that you no longer want to have access to your Mac. You can also delete groups you don’t want.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Users & Groups in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
Click the Info button next to the user or group you want to delete, then click Delete User or Delete Group.
Note: If a user is logged in to this Mac now, you can’t select them.
Sharing users are deleted immediately. For other accounts, do one of the following:
Save the home folder as a disk image: Select Save the home folder in a disk image, then click Delete User. This archives all the user’s documents and information so the user can be restored later if needed. The disk image is saved in /Users/Deleted Users/.
Leave the user’s home folder as is: Select Don’t change the home folder, then click Delete User. The user’s documents and information remain and the user can be restored later if needed. The home folder remains in /Users/.
Remove the user’s home folder from the computer: Select Delete the home folder, then click Delete User. The user information is deleted and the storage space is freed.
Delete a group: Click Delete Group to confirm.
If you don’t delete a user’s home folder, you can restore the user and the contents of the home folder. (A sharing-only user doesn’t have a home folder.)