App Lock MDM payload settings for Apple devices
You can configure App Lock settings for users of an iPhone, iPad or Shared iPad, and for an Apple TV enrolled in a mobile device management (MDM) solution. Use the App Lock payload to specify a single app that can be used on a device. This payload forces the selected app to open on the device and prevents the use of other apps. Additional apps appear in this list if they’ve been added using MDM restrictions. When this payload is active, the app reopens immediately after a device is restarted. Apps for these devices can also be updated while using App Lock.
For information about the Autonomous Single App Mode payload for Mac, see Autonomous Single App Mode payload settings.
The App Lock payload supports the following. For more information, see Payload information.
Supported payload identifier: com.apple.app.lock
Supported operating systems and channels: iOS, iPadOS, Shared iPad device, tvOS.
Supported enrolment methods: Automated Device Enrolment.
Duplicates allowed: False — only one App Lock payload can be delivered to a device.
Note: To enable App Lock using Apple Configurator, see Use Single App Mode in the Apple Configurator User Guide for Mac.
You can use the settings in the table below with the App Lock payload.
Setting | When disabled | Required | |||||||||
Lock to app | Select the app to be used in App Lock. | Yes | |||||||||
AssistiveTouch (iOS, iPadOS) | Assistive Touch is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Auto-Lock | Auto-Lock is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Invert Colours | Inverting the colours on the screen is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Mono Audio (iOS, iPadOS) | Playing both right and left channels through a single channel is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Motion (iOS, iPadOS) | Doesn’t allow automatic rotating of the screen when the device is rotated. | No | |||||||||
Side Switch (iOS, iPadOS) | The ringer switch is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Sleep/Wake Button (iOS, iPadOS) | The Sleep/Wake button is disabled so the device can’t be put to sleep or turned off. | No | |||||||||
Speak Selection (iOS, iPadOS) | iOS and iPadOS won’t speak aloud whatever is selected on the screen. | No | |||||||||
Touch | Disables all touch input on the device. | No | |||||||||
VoiceOver | VoiceOver is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Voice Control (iOS, iPadOS) | Voice Control is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Volume Buttons (iOS, iPadOS) | The volume buttons are disabled. | No | |||||||||
Zoom | Zoom is disabled. | No |
After an app is chosen, options are available to limit what can be done when a user triple-clicks the Home button on an iPhone or iPad or when in App Lock on Apple TV. If more than one option is chosen, users are presented with the list and permitted to choose which option they use.
Setting | Description | Required | |||||||||
AssistiveTouch (iOS, iPadOS) | Adapts the Multi-Touch screen of iPhone and iPad to a user’s unique physical needs. | No | |||||||||
Invert Colours | Inverting the colours on the screen is disabled. | No | |||||||||
Voice Control (iOS, iPadOS) | Voice Control is disabled. | No | |||||||||
VoiceOver | Describes aloud what appears on the screen. | No | |||||||||
Zoom | Zooms in on content on the screen to make it larger and easier to see. | No |
Note: Each MDM vendor implements these settings differently. To learn how App Lock settings are applied to your devices, consult your MDM vendor’s documentation.