Alchemy partial bar display in MainStage
Source components are shown only in advanced view. Click the Advanced button to switch to advanced view, then click the A/B/C/D button to view detailed parameters for the selected source.
The source edit window is opened by clicking the Edit button on any source subpage. Click the close window icon (X) at the top right to close the window.
Use the Additive button at the top of the Main edit window to open the Additive edit window.
The Partial bar display shows up to 600 partials with independent amplitude, pitch, pan, and phase values at each Partial envelope point. You can edit individual partials or groups of related partials for each envelope point.
Note: Higher partials that are part of the additive data set may not be heard unless the Num Partials (number of partials) control on the respective source A/B/C/D subpage is set to a suitably high value. For example, raising the amplitude of partial number 72 has no effect when Num Partials is set to a value of 60. Conversely, setting a Num Partials value of 500 has no effect in additive mode unless partial data exists for 500 partials.

Partial bar display parameters
Overall button: Use in conjunction with the Vol, Tune, Pan, and Phase buttons to display partial values averaged across all envelope points. When the Phase button is active, the Partial envelope only is updated.
Turn on Overall to adjust the amplitude, pitch, and pan values of all partials across the entire sound, without the need to select and edit individual envelope points for each partial. Also see the Overall button information for the Alchemy partial envelope in MainStage.
Partial display mode buttons: Click Vol, Tune, Pan, or Phase to restrict the display to the chosen partial parameter type.
Vol button: Show partial amplitude values.
Tune button: Show partial pitch values. Also see Snap Pitch button information below.
Pan button: Show partial pan values.
Phase button: Show partial phase values.
Mode pop-up menu and field: Choose a group of related partials for editing. You can also click the Previous and Next buttons (the arrows) to step through modes. Group adjustments retain the relative differences between partial values. Hold down Command while dragging to scale adjustments logarithmically. Note that the Shape pop-up menu affects editing behavior in each mode.
One: Adjustments affect the value of only the selected partial.
All: Adjustments affect the values of all partials.
Even: Adjustments affect the values of only even-numbered partials.
Fifths: Adjustments affect the values of only partials that are fifths apart from the selected partial and the selected partial itself.
Octaves: Adjustments affect the values of only partials that are octaves apart from the selected partial and the selected partial itself.
Odd: Adjustments affect the values of only odd-numbered partials.
Thirds: Adjustments affect the values of only partials that are thirds apart from the selected partial and the selected partial itself.
Shape pop-up menu and field: Choose a weighted group of related partials for editing.
Normal: Adjustments affect only the selected partial and grouped partials that precede it.
Flat: Adjustments evenly affect all grouped partials.
Bright: Adjustments are weighted toward higher grouped partials.
Dark: Adjustments are weighted toward lower grouped partials.
Snap Pitch button: Visible only when the Tune button is active. Automatically limits partial pitch values to meaningful units when a bar is edited.
Breakpoint button: Open a pop-up menu with a number of Partial envelope point-related commands. See Alchemy partial envelope in MainStage.
Copy Breakpoints: Copy all partial data in the currently selected envelope point or points to the Clipboard.
Paste Breakpoints: Paste all partial data from the Clipboard to the currently selected envelope point or points.
Paste Breakpoints Amp/Pitch/Pan Data: Paste the currently visible parameter partial data from the Clipboard to the currently selected envelope point or points.
Paste All Breakpoints Amp/Pitch/Pan Data: Paste the currently visible parameter partial data from the Clipboard to every envelope point.
Image button: Open an import dialog where you can choose a PNG format image file for conversion to additive synthesis data. See the task in this section.
Clear button: Removes all partials and resets the Partial bar display and Partial envelope to default values.
Partial bar display: Shows editable bars that represent partial values.
Partial number bar: Indicates the selected partial. Click a partial number to select it without affecting any values.
Scroll bar and zoom controls: Drag the middle of the scroll bar to view partials that are not visible in the display area. Horizontally drag the zoom controls at either end of the scroll bar to resize the contents of the visible display area.