Studio Bass in MainStage
The studio instruments are high-quality multisampled players that offer a collection of solo and grouped instrument presets. See Studio Horns, Studio Piano, and Studio Strings.
Studio Bass is a highly expressive sample-based software instrument that emulates the sound of several electric basses and an upright acoustic bass, each with their own sonic characteristics.

If you’re new to using plug-ins in MainStage, see Add and remove plug-ins.
Studio Bass contains parameters for volume, tone, pickup controls, and other sonic characteristics typical of the selected bass instrument. See Main view parameters and Details view parameters.
As with a real bass instrument, notes played with Studio Bass can have different tonal qualities depending on their neck position. When a note is played, Studio Bass provides visual feedback by indicating the positions of the hand and notes in the area resembling a fretboard at the bottom of the plug-in window. You can influence these positions through the use of MIDI Out channels. See String and position MIDI channel assignments.