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Choose an app to open a file on Mac
You can select which app you use to open a file. This is useful if you prefer to use a certain app, or if you don’t have the app that was used to create the file.
Open a file once with a specific app
Permanently change the app used to open a file
On your Mac, click the Finder icon
in the Dock to open a Finder window.
Select the file, then choose File > Get Info.
You can also Control-click the file, then choose Get Info.
In the Info window, click the disclosure triangle next to “Open with.”
Click the pop-up menu, then choose the app.
To open all files of this type with this app, click Change All.
If you can’t open a file with a specific app, the file may be damaged or may not be recognized by that app. Try opening it with a different app.