Set up reminders on a family member’s Apple Watch
Upgrade reminders
On a managed Apple Watch, you need to upgrade your iCloud reminders to take advantage of additional Siri interactions, have the ability to create all-day reminders (reminders set to a specific day, but not a specific time), and join lists shared by others. If you haven’t yet upgraded your reminders, do the following:
Open the Settings app
on the managed Apple Watch.
Tap Reminders, then tap Upgrade.
Set a notification time for all-day reminders
Open the Settings app
on the managed Apple Watch.
Tap Reminders, turn on Today Notification to show the time, then tap the time.
Enter the time you want notifications to appear, then tap Set.
Choose a default list
On a managed Apple Watch, reminders created outside a specific list appear in the default list.
Open the Settings app
on the managed Apple Watch.
Tap Reminders, then tap the current default list setting.
Tap the list you want to be the default list.
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