Safely manage how you forward content
You can review and manage how you forward content and whom you forward it to on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
Find out how: To view a task below, select the plus button next to its title.
Manage mail forwarding in iCloud
You can see whether your messages in Mail are being automatically forwarded to another email address and easily disable forwarding.
Sign in to iCloud at with your Apple ID user name and password. If necessary, enter the two-factor authentication code.
Click Mail, then click the Settings button at the top of the Mailboxes list, then choose Preferences.
In the General tab, see whether “Forward my email to” is selected and whom it’s being forwarded to. If necessary, remove the forwarding address and stop forwarding mail messages.
In the Rules tab, review any rules where the “Then” option is set to “Forward to” or “Forward to an Email Address and Mark as Read,” and if necessary, change the rule accordingly.
Sign out of iCloud.
Manage text message forwarding on iPhone
When you send a message to someone who uses a phone other than an iPhone, your message is sent as an SMS message. You can set up your iPhone so that when you send or receive an SMS message, it appears on other devices. You can review the device list and disable text message forwarding on specific devices.
On your iPhone, go to Settings > Messages.
Tap Text Message Forwarding to see which devices are able to send and receive text messages from your device.
Turn off certain devices.
Manage call forwarding on Phone
Depending on your cellular carrier, your iPhone may be able to forward calls you receive to another phone number. You can check to see if calls you receive are being forwarded to another phone number and turn off this feature.
On your iPhone, go to Settings > Phone > Calls > Call Forwarding.
If the slider bar is green, it means that call forwarding is turned on and you can see which phone number your calls are being forwarded to.
Note: If you don’t see this option, call forwarding is unavailable on your iPhone. Call your cellular carrier for more information.
If necessary, turn off call forwarding.
Turning off call forwarding doesn’t notify the phone number that was receiving forwarded calls.