Delay Designer Tap parameter bar in Final Cut Pro for Mac
The Delay Designer effect’s Tap parameter bar provides instant access to all parameters of the chosen tap. The Tap parameter bar also provides access to several parameters that are not available in the Tap display, such as Transpose and Flip.
Editing in the Tap parameter bar is fast and precise when you want to edit the parameters of a single tap. All parameters of the selected tap are available, with no need to switch display views or estimate values with vertical lines. If you choose multiple taps in the Tap display, the values of all selected taps are changed relative to each other.
Option-click a parameter value to reset it to the default setting. If multiple taps are selected, Option-clicking a parameter of any tap resets all selected taps to the default value for that parameter.

Filter On/Off button: Enable or disable the highpass and lowpass filters for the selected tap.
HP-Cutoff-LP fields: Set the cutoff frequencies (in Hz) for the highpass and lowpass filters.
Slope buttons: Determine the steepness of the highpass and lowpass filter slope. Click the 6 dB button for a gentler filter slope, or click the 12 dB button for a steeper, more pronounced filtering effect.
Note: You cannot set the slope of the highpass and lowpass filters independently.
Reso (Resonance) field: Set the amount of filter resonance for both filters.
Tap Delay fields: Show the number and name of the selected tap in the upper section and the delay time in the lower section.
Pitch On/Off button: Enable or disable pitch transposition for the selected tap.
Transp (Transpose) fields: The left field sets the amount of pitch transposition in semitones. The right field fine-tunes each semitone step in cents (1/100 of a semitone).
Flip buttons: Swap the left and right side of the stereo or surround image. Clicking these buttons reverses the tap position from left to right, or vice versa. For example, if a tap is set to 55% left, clicking the flip button changes it to 55% right.
Pan field: Control the pan position for mono input signals, stereo balance for stereo input signals, and surround angle when used in surround configurations.
Pan displays a percentage between 100% (full left) and −100% (full right), which represents the pan position or balance of the tap. A value of 0% represents the center panorama position.
When used in surround, a surround panner replaces the percentage representation. See Use Delay Designer in surround in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
Spread field: When a stereo-to-stereo or stereo-to-surround instance of Delay Designer is used, Spread sets the width of the stereo spread for the selected tap.
Mute button: Mute or unmute the selected tap.
Level field: Determine the output level for the selected tap.
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