Determine how to brand your organization in the Health app
Consult with your marketing and business departments to decide what organization and brand names to use to help your patients find your organization and download their health records. In the example below, “Widell Medical” is the brand name for an organization that appears when a user searches for “Widell.”

When you register, you’re asked to provide an organization or brand name. Enter the legal name of your organization, such as the name of its corporation or LLC. (Apple requires your organization’s legal name.)
If your patients are more familiar with your organization by another name, such as a brand name or a practitioner’s name, register it as an alternative. Your patients will search for and find your organization by this alternative name.
If your patients also know your organization either by related brand names or by the names of its care facilities, you can register those names to display as subtitles below your main title. The example above includes the name “Widell Hospital” in the subtitle.