Reverse audio and invert phase in the Audio File Editor in Logic Pro for Mac
The Reverse command is most commonly used on an entire audio file—to reverse a cymbal sound, for example. It can also be used as a creative option on selected portions of audio files. For example, the reverb tail at the end of a file can be reversed, copied, and pasted to the beginning of the file.
The Invert command is useful for correcting phase cancellation errors, or when several out-of-tune signals (or several signals processed through chorus effects) are to be mixed down to mono. You can also use the Invert function to decode mono/stereo recordings, but it’s easier to use the Direction Mixer plug-in for this task.
Important: The Reverse and Invert commands are destructive, permanently altering the original audio file. Although you can undo edits and processing commands, you should work with copies of your audio files, rather than the originals.
Note: You cannot use the Reverse and Invert commands on Apple Loops, untagged loops, surround files, or regions on tracks where Flex Pitch is turned on. If possible, use the Reverse parameter in the Region inspector, or bounce the region in place and use the Reverse command on the resulting audio file.