The OR function returns the boolean value TRUE if any argument is true; otherwise it returns the boolean value FALSE.
OR(any-expression, any-expression…)
any-expression: An expression to be tested. any-expression can contain anything as long as the expression evaluates to a boolean value. If the expression evaluates to a number, 0 is considered to be FALSE, and any other number is considered to be TRUE.
any-expression…: Optionally include one or more additional expressions to be tested.
The OR function is equivalent to the logical disjunction or inclusive disjunction used in mathematics or logic. It first evaluates each expression. If any of the given expressions evaluate to TRUE, the OR function returns TRUE; otherwise FALSE.
If an expression is numeric, a value of 0 is interpreted as the boolean value FALSE and any nonzero value is interpreted as the boolean value TRUE.
OR is often used with the IF function when more than one condition must be considered.
Examples |
=OR(A1+A2<100, B1+B2<100) returns FALSE if the sums of the indicated cells are both greater than or equal to 100, and TRUE if at least one of the sums is less than 100. =OR(5, 0, 6) returns TRUE because at least one argument is not 0, as numbers greater than 0 evaluate as a boolean value of TRUE. |