The NOW function returns a date/time value that’s the current time in the file’s time zone (see Notes below).
The NOW function does not have any arguments. However, you must include the parentheses.
The displayed date and time are updated every time you open the file or change a table.
The time zone for a local macOS file: The file’s time zone matches the time zone in the Date & Time settings on the Mac when the file was last saved.
The time zone for a local iOS or iPadOS file: The file’s time zone matches the time zone in your Date & Time settings when the file is opened or saved.
The time zone for an iCloud file: The file’s time zone matches the time zone in iCloud settings when the file is first created. If the file is opened and saved in a local app (not in iCloud), the time zone is updated to match the settings on the device where the app is located.
The time zone for a file shared with collaborators: The file’s time zone continues to match the time zone in iCloud settings where the file was first shared, unless you unshare it and save it in a local app (not in iCloud).
To use NOW as a static date & time stamp, you can select a cell that contains it, choose Edit > Copy, select the cell where you want the time stamp, then choose Edit > Paste Formula Results to paste the date and time as static (unchanging) text.
Example |
=NOW() returns Jul 18, 2011 08:41 am, if calculated at 8:41 a.m. on July 18, 2011. |